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Managing emails

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by email traffic when you run a farming business. They can number hundreds ...
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Risky Business

Hands up if your insurance premiums increased this year?Okay, so that's everyone. There have been a lot of national ...
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It’s all about family, but every spare dollar goes to the farm

Does this lament sound familiar? Whilst the day to day living costs of the farm family are met, ...
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Who got that bearing and what was it for?

Do you ever get bills for your farm and wonder who got them or what it was for?It's ...
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In praise of home and family

It’s the time of year when the glossy brochures start circulating in the Land, Weekly Times, the Country ...
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How to manage vehicle registrations

A while back I put a post up on Facebook - 7 Tips on how to managing vehicle ...
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Farm Business Focus

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