
See you soon


Over the next week or so I will send out the meeting invites for the next round of Farm Office Plus.


So if you didn't get much done when you initally signed up, or you really get a lot of value from a group setting, we would love to see you.


If you can't make it on the day, don't worry I will send add the recordings to the course portal.


While you have a moment, why don't you send a friend that migh be interested in our courses a link to our page?

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the blog

Crop Insurance – Time to review your strategy?

It is a pretty typical practice to develop a strategy position on crop insurance. Some people fully insure all crops…

Building Slack into Systems – AKA whatever can go wrong, does go wrong

The more variables at play, the more chances of things not going exactly to plan.  So what does this mean…

Sort out your office in just 10 minutes

Let’ do a quick 10 minute clean out of the office. It’s not Marie Condo – if we asked “does…