Managing emails

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by email traffic when you run a farming business. They can number hundreds if not thousands in a month. Email has replaced physical mail for most businesses, but the low marginal cost of sending an email has resulted in a huge increase in the volume of correspondence. The relative value…

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It’s all about family, but every spare dollar goes to the farm

Does this lament sound familiar? Whilst the day to day living costs of the farm family are met, any larger amounts of money that could be redirected to holidays, improvements to the home, investment purposes etc are always spent on the farm. Sometimes the conflict is between two people in a relationship which can be…

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In praise of home and family

It’s the time of year when the glossy brochures start circulating in the Land, Weekly Times, the Country Life and magazines aimed at rural ladies. The adds are not for changing seasonal clothes, overseas trips and farm machinery, they are for boarding school. The pictures are so beautiful. We see acne free smiling children and…

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How to manage vehicle registrations

A while back I put a post up on Facebook – 7 Tips on how to managing vehicle registrations. It generated some great comments and conversation. It’s a pain point for many, but not all, farm businesses.Some people thought it was not an issue and that’s great. Possibly they run farm with less vehicles, are…

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Will debt always be there ?

Being debt free in ag is something that lots of people aspire to. The idea of no being answerable to a bank manager and not having to think about the implications of interest rate rises is certainly attractive. However is being debt free achievable in growth focused ag businesses, and is it something worthwhile to…

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Why is work life balance so hard

Man working

Can you do less work and make more money? Don’t worry – I’m not going to talk you into some sort of pyramid marketing scheme, dressed up as an online business, where you make money convincing others to buy an overpriced thing they don’t need and sign-up other people to do the same. What I…

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Managing Growth in Family Farms

This article was produced with the support of the GRDC and was presented at West Wyalong Farm Business Update 2022 and the GRDC Farm Business Livestream event March 2023 Farm businesses are growing in scale and complexity. Growth is not just about adding hectares, labour and machinery, it’s about leadership, systems and strategy. We need…

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What we can learn from Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth’s recent Platinum Jubilee has thrown the Royal family into the spotlight once again and given me reason to reflect on the path trodden by Meghan and Harry.Did I tell you I met them?I met Meghan and Harry in 2019 after a workshop in the Riverina. I also met them 15 years ago when…

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What’s the best computer setup for your farm business?

Looking to upgrade or improve your farm business computer? What are the alternatives and what do you need to think about? Everyone has there own preferences, but let’s run through a few options. I am not going to talk gigabytes and ram, mostly because I don’t understand them and also because the data and speed…

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